Monday, February 10, 2014

Does the Federal Govt. OIG need elevated pay? Did they earn it?

 I believe the only reason the Democrats were willing to elevate OIG pay was to continue to be lapdogs:

Update:  why would federal watchdogs get rewarded by one Party (e.g., Democrats) in the Senate or Congress? 

Well, maybe it is because there are Democratic Parties trying to hid their influencial abuse with certain federal investigations?  Arms trafficking and more?
Well, there is also a whole big California and NASA issues going on with Arms Trafficking with China as well - Where Congressman Wolf has been lamenting about 
More of the story can be found at

Any many ethics experts say that:

Internal government watchdog system broken

Yet, the Democrats today seem to be working hard to bring in a bill to elevate the watchdog pay? Are they working to improve the watchdogs, or are they working to buy loyalty to continue a behavior of cover-up corruption, e.g., appearances of dishonesty and major conflicts of interests in scandals lately e..g, of Obamacare, IRS probe, Benghazi, and more? There have been many scandals that have surfaced that have been blocked, muddled and more, and have caused us watching the watchdogs to be more concerned.   Many of us taxpayers and federal whistle blowers all pause today on the latest performance of DOJ and OIG.

After seeing signs of exposure of blocked investigations in below posts, I hope there is a "NO" vote to elevation of pay until DOJ and OIG  can demonstrate and/or prove to be more ethical, honest, and value the public trust,  taxpayers.  I believe than any watchdog agency needs to demonstrate being independent from the appearances of corrupt federal leadership when dealing with waste, fraud, and criminal activities within the federal govt., and they they treat civil servants that come forward with respect when provided information on the appearances of activities that appear to violate laws.    So far their seems to be a media blitz of problems here, and that is a huge signal of a problem with the federal watchdogs and their ability to perform independently.  Until this gets resolved, why would federal watchdogs get rewarded by one Party (e.g., Democrats) in the Senate or Congress? 

Well, maybe it is because there are Democratic Parties trying to hid their influencial abuse with certain federal investigations?  Arms trafficking and more?
Well, there is also a whole big California and NASA issues going on with Arms Trafficking with China as well - Where Congressman Wolf has been lamenting about 
More of the story can be found at

Maybe there should be a survey of all the cases from 2009-today, and including those buried/blocked, muddled, etc. with the DOJ to expose actual results in order to gain a thorough review from this, prior to increase in pay? 

DOJ OIG cozy with officials in other OIG Agency positions?  The authors of this blog have concerns after seeing the appearances of many ongoing conflict of interest within an Agency OIG, who had transferred in from the DOJ OIG, and now having their peers from DOJ OIG investigate them for poor and possibly unethical behavior with handling a case, leaves us to wonder about the OIG & DOJ value of public trust vs. cover-ups, etc.?   Just the appearances of our OIG being investigated by their past peers, smells of conflict of interest (between OIG and DOJ).

Glad that at least some in our Congressional oversight had the fed agency call in National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), an independent, non-profit, and non-partisan organization to bring in some form of "check and balance".   Maybe this should be a general practice today?  Check and balance on the OIG and DOJ?
Sad part is that our OIG from the DOJ may be representative of this latest report by the Project on Government Oversight (POGO)
Project on Government Oversight (POGO) Hundreds of Justice Attorneys violated standards:
Obviously the NASA OIG, who used to be DOJ OIG, were doing their job there either?

Now the NAPA report and Congressman Wolf's response:

*Some DOJ OIG today,are trying to surface favoritism and abuse in DOJ, DOJ protecting the guilty rich and unwilling to defend the people (taxpayers- the real government).

Yet even DHS DOJ is a bit too cozy for comfort of the taxpayers! Whistleblowers say boss deleted information that would embarrass White House, stalled investigations.  Again OIG is protecting the White House?

Latest DOJ-OIG abuse and coverup for current administration:  Archives' 18 month OIG on paid leave, leaving taxpayers to foot bill

OIG goes after Whistleblower providing evidence to Congress: 

Panetta can disclose, but not a Whistleblower OIG Obudsman to Congress re: Investigation on Panetta?  An Unauthorized Leak on Unauthorized 'Zero Dark Thirty' Remarks? ~via GovExec